Friday, April 4, 2008


Shannie era o nosso guia. Sem dúvida a viagem não teria tido metade do interesse nem metade da piada se não fosse por ele. Judeu não religioso, tinha uma perspectiva da religião muito sui generis mas bastante independente. Exemplo.

- Jewish, Christians and Muslims, they all come from the same crap. And they all established Jerusalem as a holly city, and that is why this is the mess you know. So the difference among these religions is about who they consider to be fool or not. The jews recognize 48 male prophets and 7 women prophets. Those are the Abrahamic prophets. So everyone who came after these is either crazy or a fool and we should kill him. Then the Christians say that all those prophets are truly prophets but Jesus is the last prophet. So everyone who comes after Jesus and claims to be a prophet is either crazy or a fool and we should kill him. And then came the Muslims and say. You're right, all those guys are prophets but the last prophet is Muhammad. Everyone who comes after Muhammad and claims to be a prophet is either crazy or a fool and we should kill him.

Perspectiva interessante. O Shannie tem outras pérolas interessantes mas as religiosas eram quase sempre as melhores.

- You know why jews are circumcised on the 8th day? Because on the 9th they have an opinion.

Um grande hip! hip! hurra! para o Shannie!

1 comment:

Bad Girl said...

Gostei do Shannie até à parte do oitavo dia. Se o Shannie já tivesse experimentado um circuncisado, o Shannie não queria outra coisa. Palavra de escuteira.